Ando Homes

How Do Interior Doors Differ From Exterior Doors?

If you are planning a door replacement or remodelling project, understanding the differences between interior doors and exterior doors will help you in choosing the perfect doors for your entrance and other rooms in the building. Doors play a significant role in the energy efficiency and security of the house.

Take note that doors may look similar but they are different in terms of installation, mechanisms, and processes. As a result, read this blog to the end to understand clearly how interior doors differ from exterior doors.

How Do Interior Doors Differ From Exterior Doors?

Before you start a door replacement project, understand the differences between interior and exterior doors, as explained below:

1. Weight

Exterior doors are usually heavier and sturdier than interior doors. Exterior doors are also heavy because they are insulated against drafts and cold weather due to their exposure to the elements. Exterior doors are made without leaving hollows in-between the panels while interior doors are light and have hollows. Besides, exterior doors are soundproofed to limit exterior noise while interior doors are not soundproofed. The design of doors is usually influenced by the weather conditions they will face.

2. Treatment

Exterior doors are treated more differently than interior doors. Exterior doors are treated and finished in a way to withstand all the natural elements. Interior doors are usually handled with care; therefore, they do not require extensive treatments like exterior doors.

Exterior doors are usually painted and stained in a way to last for a long time, and the doors will remain durable. This is the reason why exterior doors do not require frequent repainting. On the contrary, interior doors’ paint lasts longer and does not usually require special treatment for their colours.

3. Materials Used

The materials used for making doors also determine if they will be exterior or interior doors. A special process is followed for doors made from wood, especially if they are meant for the exterior. For example, the glue used for exterior wooden doors must be durable and capable of withstanding any kind of temperature. Exterior doors require tougher glue while normal glue may be used for interior doors since they will not be exposed to harsh elements.

4. Cost

Exterior doors usually cost more than interior doors because of the process and reinforcement for security, aesthetics, and durability. Cost is another differentiating factor between interior and exterior doors. If you are planning a door replacement project, the cost is a crucial factor that underscores their differences.


The factors discussed above are some of what differentiates interior doors from exterior doors. Understanding those factors will guide you in choosing the right doors for your home during a door replacement project.

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